

During a dental consultation at The Dental Studio your dentist will give you a full oral assessment to establish your oral health and recommend the best treatments for your mouth if needed.

During your oral assessment your dentist will look at:

  • Current fillings, crowns and veneers (restorations)
  • Any missing teeth and any signs of decay
  • Signs of tooth wear or signs of faulty brushing habits
  • Appearance and colour of the teeth in the smile line
  • The way you bite
  • The health of your gums and surrounding bone around each tooth
  • Your tongue, throat, cheeks and lips
  • Your jaw muscles and jaw joint
  • Dental X-rays will be taken to look for:
    • Any hard tissue changes in your bone that supports the teeth
    • All of your teeth from the crown to the bottom of the root (checking for abscesses, impacted wisdom tooth positions or ill-fitting restorations)
    • Decay inside the tooth or between the teeth
    • Abscess or cysts on the roots of your teeth
    • Root positions
  • Once your oral assessment is finished, your Dentist will discuss the findings with you. They will recommend any treatment options to you, including all the benefits and risks of each procedure and the costs, in a dental plan. This will allow you to decide what is best for your long term dental health.

Our Location

Masaki Branch

1st Floor, Sea Cliff Village, Masaki, Dar es Salaam.
0753 601 155